Don Benton

Communication is key, spelling is secondary

Don Benton, a state senator and Clark County's director of Environmental Services, sent an email Friday titled "Communication is Key," to reporters at The Columbian (and others) asking for money […]

Against the interchange before they were for it

Many politicians can't resist a good ribbon-cutting ceremony. Elected officials get to swoop in at the end of a major project and share the spotlight in the friendliest of settings. They […]

Blast from the past: Stormwater fee edition

At their last hearing Tuesday, the Clark County Board of Commissioners approved increases to stormwater fees for the first time in more than a decade. What the commissioners didn't do […]

Benton scores low on environmental group’s scorecard

The Washington Conservation Voters released their legislative scorecard for 2013-2014, and Clark County's environmental services director, Republican state Sen. Don Benton, didn't fare too well. He scored an 8 (out of […]

Benton backs The Columbian!

When an email titled, "Benton backs The Columbian ..." appeared in my inbox, I had to double check the calendar. Yes, it's Cinco de Mayo, not April Fools' Day. Benton, in his […]

The ‘Tom’ Tom Club

A big fear of newspaper reporters is that people will only scan the headlines. It happens more than many reporters would like to acknowledge (so it's been acknowledged for them […]

Madore: ‘We should never behave like chickens’

Today, in strained similes, Commissioner David Madore defends Clark County's environmental services director, Sen. Don Benton, by likening him to a chicken marked for death by a ravenous brood. The […]

Benton, other directors received 4.5 percent raise

Clark County Director of Environmental Services Don Benton, who was appointed to the position in May by Commissioners Tom Mielke and David Madore, received a 4.5 percent raise (or "salary […]

Clark County Variety Hour

Well, that was weird. On Wednesday I heard from a plaintiff's attorney, who told me Clark County commissioners were expected to discuss the stormwater settlement during a 1:30 p.m. executive session […]

First Benton, now hoof rot

  APIL would like to welcome guest blogger Allen Thomas, The Columbian's outdoors writer. Ed Barnes can fight more than one battle. Yeah, he's made his name railing against Clark County's hiring of […]

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