clark county

Madore: ‘We should never behave like chickens’

Today, in strained similes, Commissioner David Madore defends Clark County's environmental services director, Sen. Don Benton, by likening him to a chicken marked for death by a ravenous brood. The […]

Former county employees lost in the memory hole

One interesting moment from Thursday's State of the Clark County address came when Commissioner Tom Mielke acknowledged the number of county directors who'd recently resigned their positions. On one hand, […]

State of the county bingo!

It's the day you've all been waiting for: The State of Clark County. It's like Christmas wrapped in the Fourth of July, ensconced in a straight jacket made of Halloween. Adding […]

A modest proposal: Bring back ‘River County’

Fallout from the Clyde Ray Spencer case is going to be one of the bigger stories for the county this year. With a $9 million settlement dangling over the county […]

Benton, other directors received 4.5 percent raise

Clark County Director of Environmental Services Don Benton, who was appointed to the position in May by Commissioners Tom Mielke and David Madore, received a 4.5 percent raise (or "salary […]

C-Tran vs. C-Tran

If you're planning to visit Cary, N.C., any time soon, don't worry about finding public transportation. C-Tran has you covered. No, not that C-Tran. This C-Tran is also known as Cary […]

The written history of Clark County treasurers grows ever more incredible

Did you know the written history of Clark County treasurers is incredible? Well, it is and you should take a look at it. Current Clark County Treasurer Doug Lasher called me […]

Mission accomplished, Bill

Former Clark County Administrator Bill Barron's final day on the job was Tuesday. We already ran a final story on Barron, but there's still one thing left to say about […]

Clark County’s drug map will make you feel like you’re on drugs

The federal government today said it really doesn't care if you smoke marijuana in a state where voters have approved smoking marijuana. Knowing the feds don't plan to raid the farm […]

Gone fishin’: no county meetings Wednesday

The Clark County commissioners won't hold meetings on Wednesday as they won't have a quorum. Yup, your electeds are taking a few days off before the summer fades. I'm not sure what […]

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