State of the county bingo!
It’s the day you’ve all been waiting for: The State of Clark County. It’s like Christmas wrapped in the Fourth of July, ensconced in a straight jacket made of Halloween.
Adding to the general fun of the day, this year’s state of the county will be held at the Clark County Square Dance Center, 10713 NE 117th Ave. It would be great if the county commissioners gave their speeches in the form of interpretive square dance but, alas, I think they’re going to use their words. The event begins at 2 p.m. and will be broadcast live replayed multiple times on CVTV.
Commissioner Tom Mielke will act as the master of ceremonies, while commissioners Steve Stuart and David Madore will also give speeches. Given the flux-like state the county is in — with Stuart possibly leaving for a job in Ridgefield, and the county continuing to fight the Ray Spencer verdict — the speeches should be more interesting for what’s not said than for what is.
But who knows? That’s why every year we make a game out of it: State of Clark County bingo!There’s no rhyme or reason to the squares or their placement. Hopefully, some of you will play at home. If you happen to win, print off and mail your winning bingo sheet to me at 701 W. Eighth St., Vancouver, 98660. There will be a special prize to the first winning entry (don’t get too excited).
As with last year, I will return to this space to provide a post-speech recap.