
Get Lean For Summer

We are one month away from the start of summer so you’ve got 4 weeks to ramp it up and get lean for summer. Here’s 7 Quick-Fix Hacks for really […]

Intermittent Fasting

For many decades the common prescription to weight loss was to eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. It was suggested to not go more than 3-4 hours before […]

Spring Tune-Up

It is common to gain a little weight during the winter. The days are shorter, it’s cold outside and we just don’t get as much activity and access to local […]

Sugar Cleanse

Many health professionals and nutritionists believe that added sugar is the single most harmful ingredient in our diet. Sugar addiction is no joke and affects the brain in a similar […]

Fitness In Between The Feasts

We all just enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving Feast and in one month, we’ll be back at it during the Christmas and New Year’s dinner, get-togethers and parties. It’s easy to […]

Summer Nutrition

Summers can be so busy with vacations, travel, sports’ clinics and camps, camping, and more. This makes it difficult to stick to a healthy eating plan. Here’s some ideas for summers […]

Spring Into Shape For Summer – Week 12

You did it! Can you believe we’re at Week 12?! But remember with fitness, you can’t start and stop.  In order to maintain results and health and fitness benefits, it’s […]

Spring Into Shape for Summer – Week 11

"People often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then […]

Spring Into Shape For Summer – Week Ten

"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals".- Zig Ziglar We’re honing in on the finish line of our Spring […]

Spring Into Shape For Summer – Week Nine

We’ve been at this for 2 months now and you should be in better shape and experiencing improved fitness, strength and energy! If you haven’t started yet, go back through […]

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