
The Power of the Vagus Nerve

The power of the vagus nerve is often overlooked. The vagus nerve is one of the most important components of the human body. It is the longest cranial nerve and […]

Balance is Key

There is a poem I read in my Yoga classes, and it relates to balance in our lives. Just like in Yoga, there is a Yin and a Yang to […]

5 Tips to Prevent Falls

Consider These Statistics One in three adults over the age of 65 will fall at least once a year. More than 95% of hip fractures are caused by falling. A fractured hip is […]

What’s the Best Exercise to Get Fit Fast?

What’s better to maximize fitness and fat loss – is it cardio, muscle or both? What cardio exercise brings the best results – is it cycling, rowing, running, swimming, hiking […]

Fit(ish) in Your 60s – Week 5

Today, we complete our Fit-ish series with Brenda Braxton from KGW on how to be healthy and fit through the decades. The goal of the program was to provide tips […]

Fit For The Slopes

Week Eight The Skiing and Boarding Sports Specific program is now complete. With that said, it doesn't mean you're done with it. If you want to maintain peak conditioning throughout our […]

BOSU Balance Training

BOSU What? If you’re a member of a gym, you’ve probably seen a BOSU Trainer, a semicircular, bouncy product that looks like a big beach ball cut in half with a […]

Use The Outdoors to Calm Your Mind, Body and Spirit

Feeling stressed out is common to most people. Many of us spend our days running from appointment to appointment, trying to meet deadlines and tackle never-ending to-do lists. We are […]

‘DO THIS, NOT THAT” Doesn’t Work!

Is High Intensity Training the way to go? Or is Long, Slow Distance Training better? What cardio exercise brings the best results – is it cycling, rowing, running or something […]

High Intensity Training Is NOT Where It’s At!

With the popularity of CrossFit, Bootcamps, Tabata and other high intensity formats, it can seem like the only way to train is a high intensity format. However, that’s just not […]

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