Author: Janet Cleaveland

Sunny and cold with a chance of meatballs

Think meatballs and I used to think spaghetti. But Nancie McDermott's Vietnamese meatball soup has changed that. At least now, I recognize broader possibilities. Move over, pasta; you have a competitor. I first tried Nancie's recipe […]

Getting pickled from Boat Street Cafe

Once a year, some of my former co-workers travel to Seattle for a Christmas shopping weekend. In 2011, some of us devoured oysters at Renee Erickson's The Walrus and the Carpenter in […]

Thinking of clams? You’ll love pasta con vongole

Somewhere during my recovery from a broken elbow, the Intrepid One and I made pasta con vongole. We may have been inspired because I had bought Manila clams at Newman's Fish Market in Northwest […]

Jesuits pause before dinner to reconnect with community

My elbow is still mending, but here's a recipe for Tuscan white bean dip. This column first appeared in the January issue of NW Catholic:   I know how tough it is […]

Small Plates takes a break

Yes, a fracture to her right elbow. Janet, aka the Cruncher, tripped over her feet and a perfectly placed recycling container in a small space. (Take note yoga pals: She […]

Postscript to Ida’s oatmeal rocks

I asked the Intrepid One to read my blog post. He didn't comment on the recipe or references to his family; he didn't comment on the display of his photo. […]

Ida’s oatmeal rocks from the 1930s

  I hadn't baked cookies in years, but last week's ice pellets and wind in the fir trees inspired us to make Ida's oatmeal rocks. We didn't lose power, but we […]

Chanterelles form basis for lasagne

Thank you, New York Times and Monica Byrne of Home/Made Brooklyn. Dinner was outstanding last night. No, I wasn't in New York or anything exciting like that. Instead, I recently had signed up […]

Pasta e fagioli prompted by stay in Venice

On a stunning afternoon in Venice, I had pasta e fagioli — pasta and bean soup — a staple in Italian homes and trattorias. The soup was hearty and flavorful; we were […]

Top pasta with pesto for easy meal

I've been hunting down recipes in Italian cookbooks ever since I returned last week from northern Italy. I tried making a calamari dish that I had in Padua. It wasn't the […]

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