outdoor workouts

Get Active Downtown

Have you been to Downtown Vancouver recently? With the new waterfront development, cool shops and restaurants and incredible murals, art and ambiance, it’s the place to be. Here’s a few ways […]

Low Impact Does Not Mean Low Intensity

With the popularity of HITT (High Intensity Interval Training) which includes many high impact activities like Burpees, Jump Squats. Skipping, Running and various other explosive movements, it may seem like […]

Fit For The Rain

After enjoying a wonderful summer, we’re probably all bracing for the rainy season. So how do you stay fit, when it’s rainy and cold? Many people notice that their activity […]

Look Outside For Your Gym

When the weather is amazing, take advantage of it and get your workout in while enjoying the beauty and fresh air. No Gym = No Problem. The outdoors can be […]

Stand-Up Paddleboarding

If you are looking for a new summer activity, here are the Top 10 reasons why you should give Stand-up Paddleboarding, otherwise known as SUP, a try. Works your entire body – […]

Family Fitness All Summer!

Now that kids are out of school and the weather has shifted to warmer, longer days, you’d think you’d have all the time in the world to workout and get […]

Racing and Training in the HEAT

We just returned from Pacific Crest event in Sunriver where thousands of athletes were racing Endurance events including the 72.3 BEASTMAN, Olympic and Sprint Triathlons, Marathon, Half Marathon, 25K Trail […]

OPT OUTDOORS – Amazing benefits of exercising outside

As the days are getting longer and warmer, it’s much easier to find the motivation to get outside and walk, cycle, hike the trails or workout at the park. Taking […]

Spring Time Tune-Up

Spring is just around the corner and as the days get longer and the weather gets nicer, it inspires many to ramp things up and do a little health and […]

Get Outdoors & Fall Into Fitness

September and October often tend to be the best months to explore the outdoors here in the Northwest. It tends to not be too hot, or too cold, the rainy […]

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