
Spring Into Shape For Summer – Week Eight

 "Personal success is never static.  It usually comes in small steps leading to other small steps that lead to broader achievement"  W. Roberts Past blogs in this series Cardiovascular Conditioning This week incorporate […]

Spring Into Shape for Summer – Week Seven

"Do not be afraid to demand great things of yourself. Powers which you never dreamed you possessed will leap to your assistance…" O. Marden Previous Weeks In This Series Cardiovascular Conditioning: This week […]

Spring Into Shape For Summer – Week Six

We’ve been getting some nice signs that summer is on the way!  It’s a good time to reassess your goals, monitor your progress and determine if you're on track.  If […]

Spring Into Shape For Summer – Week Five

Lack of time is the number one reason people report they don’t exercise.  Well, have you ever heard the saying "People who can't find the time to exercise will one […]

Spring Into Shape For Summer – Week Four

There is plenty of time to take your fitness to a whole new level by summer. Continue implementing everything you’ve learned over the last 3 weeks and add on today's […]

Spring Into Shape for Summer – Week Three

Continue implementing everything you’ve learned over the last 2 weeks and add on today's tips.  Beach season is on the way – let’s commit to getting in great shape in […]

4 Most Important Tips to Winning at Fitness

It’s almost January and human nature has many of us resolving to make some major changes in our lives. Maybe we’ll decide to start an exercise program, start eating better, […]

Burn The Turkey!

It’s estimated that the average American will consume 5000+ calories on Thanksgiving Day.  Most people enjoy a bigger than usual breakfast, Thanksgiving meal and we can’t forget the left-overs later […]

Summer Fitness Makeover

This time of year always seems to motivate many to start taking better care of their health. The beautiful weather had everyone outdoors walking, hiking, cycling or just playing with […]

Lean in 2016

The holidays are busy and when you’re busy, getting to the gym and staying lean can be a losing battle! Well, here is a winning full body workout that you […]

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