fat loss

Anti-Obesity Drugs: Pros and Cons

More than two-thirds of adults are considered overweight or obese causing significant health concerns and a dramatic strain on our healthcare system. Until recently, the efforts to treat obesity in […]

Spring Reset

The spring season offers a perfect opportunity to hit the reset button and embrace a fresh mindset towards our health and well-being.  Spring signifies renewal. It's a time to shake off […]

Stand Up For Your Health

One of the best actions you can take for your overall health is to avoid sitting for extended periods of time. Research has shown that regularly getting up out of […]

Fat Versus Fit

An important question to ask is whether skinny and unfit is more healthy than fat and fit. One researcher, Dr. Steven Blair and his colleagues at the Cooper Fitness Institute, […]

Measuring Results – Should You Weigh Yourself?

Imagine this scenario. Your doc tells you that you need to focus on your health and lose some weight. You start exercising and eating healthy every day for an entire […]

Lift Heavy Things

We have discussed in lengths the benefits of strength training and now, a recent study in May, published in the FASEB journal from the Federation of American Societies for Experimental […]

Strengthening Your Immune System

As we learn more about Covid-19, more literature is pointing to the fact that obesity and poor health are the key risk factors for how severe conditions are if one […]

Why Are You Eating So Late?

One of the worst habits people can get into is eating late at night. Think about it this way. You’re just going to bed. Why do you need all that […]

CBD 101

You’ve probably seen CBD products everywhere! CBD topical ointments, drinks, skin care and even chapstick, smoothies and pizza! You can buy CBD products at grocery stores, spas, pet stores, coffee […]

Fine Tuning Your Cardio Workouts to Maximize Fat Loss

In order to maximize caloric expenditure, we need to maximize the amount of oxygen we are consuming during cardio workouts. We utilize more oxygen when we involve more muscle mass. […]

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