
Re-Finding Your Motivation

The recent snow storm in the Northwest caused many people to experience a big setback to any health and fitness goals they may have set on January 1st! You may […]

No Pain, Lots of Gain!

September is equivalent to the autumn New Year’s Resolution. Many are excited to have the kids back in school, travel complete and are ready to get into a fitness routine.  […]

Back to School, Back to YOU!

Now that kids are back in school, it’s a great opportunity to focus on you and your health and fitness.  At Northwest Personal Training, we know that.... ......committing to a health […]

Know Better So You Can Be Better!

It’s hard to do better if you don’t know better! So part of the..... .....process of achieving any goal is to learn as much as you can about the process. In terms […]

Move That Body

It’s hard to be great if you don’t feel great. It’s hard to live your best life and achieve all your dreams if you’re not at your physical best.  Unfortunately, more […]

Recovering After a Race

We had over 3000 runners and walkers complete the Vancouver USA Marathon & Half Marathon this past weekend! Major kudos to Brian Davis and the team at Energy Events for […]

Body Image Blues

As a professional in the fitness industry, I hear too often people who refer negatively to parts of their body.... “My legs are so fat!” “My butt is so big!" “I wish I […]

The January Fitness Rush

Here are some typical questions that a lot of people have during the January Fitness Rush: My husband and I started a workout program and he is losing so much more fat […]

Choosing The Right Gym!

The biggest surge in Fitness Club memberships is always January! After resolving to become more fit and healthy, many people will rely on the assistance of a health club to […]

Spring Makeover Challenge – Week 6

Our annual 6 week Spring Makeover Challenge allows our clients to participate in a fun, friendly team competition to help them shed that extra winter layer that most of us […]

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