
Crockpot Buffalo Ranch Chicken Tenders

It’s time to get a game plan for your Super Bowl party.  As you tackle your menu, consider throwing a healthier option into your line-up.  Buffalo Wings are MVP’s, and […]

Sunday Morning Football Waffles

Before the Seahawks played the Vikings in the Minnesota tundra last Sunday, I started trying to think of breakfast foods that would make you feel warm.  I wanted something that […]

Sausage, White Bean, and Kale Soup

Ah…  January.  The holidays are behind us, and it’s time to get back to business.  After all that holiday eating, most of us are ready to lighten up and embrace […]

Bacardi Cake Trifle With Eggnog Pudding

It’s New Year’s Eve!  If you are lucky enough to have a few of those Bacardi Cakes left in your freezer, grab them quick and celebrate by making a trifle.  […]

Eggnog Baked Oatmeal

Need a little Christmas, right this very minute?  This is it now, the final crunch.  You might have houseguests already, kids on break, or college students back at home.  Or […]

Mushroom Carpaccio

Most of us can recite the usual suspects from a buffet line-up without any difficulty…  Cheese plate, chip ’n dip, a hot appetizer or two, a cold cut plate, maybe […]

Father-in-Law’s Thanksgiving Leftovers Sandwich

Yes, you are correct.  This is Chex Mix, not a sandwich.  You will have to use your imagination about what the sandwich looks like, because just like you, I do […]

Thanksgiving Leftovers Done Right

To at least 65 percent of us, Thanksgiving leftovers are more important than the actual meal itself.  We are now less than a week away from the Big Day and […]

Prep Your Fridge For Thanksgiving

You may have missed National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day yesterday, but it’s not too late.  Aptly timed to help you clear your space before the Thanksgiving stuffing begins, don’t […]

Make-Ahead Cranberry Port Conserve

People can be sharply divided into two Thanksgiving camps:  whole berry and jellied.  The same family and friends you love all year can turn on you in a forkful if […]

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