Home Made
Breakfast Taquitos
Holed up for several days during the latest round of freezing temps, I was inspired with a bout of indoor industriousness. The colder it got, the more I did. Outside […]
Banana Blueberry Oatmeal Bake and Healthy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
January is National Oatmeal Month. Take a peek in your pantry and go with the grain. If you’ve got oats, you can make all sorts of things that are delicious, […]
Three-Cup Chicken
I love to cook but I don’t like having to do it every day. After the holidays, I am ready to give my stove, my oven, and most of all, […]
Slow-Cooker Lentil Soup
It’s a bright new year. After all of the eating too much and spending too much, the lean, bean days of January are here. For the lean part, it’s a […]
Crispy Smashed Potatoes
Friends and family. They’re the people we love most and the best part of every celebration. New Year’s Eve is a great night for cozying up and staying in. Watch […]
Eggnog Overnight French Toast with Maple Bourbon Syrup
In all my Christmas memories, one stands clear and bright. I can still see the tinsel on our tree, all the shiny paper packages, and the warm glow the lights […]
Cheater’s Paella
Most holiday cooking is fraught with stress and guilt. Somehow it’s not as festive if you don’t stand guard over a hot oven or arrive at the table with your […]
Roast Fish with Cannellini and Green Olives
The most wonderful time of the year is also the busiest. With all the cards to send, parties to attend, and the added holiday hoopla, it’s easy for dinner to […]
Chewy Ginger Molasses Cookies and Vegan Russian Tea Cakes
Get ready to celebrate National Cookie Day on December 4 with a batch of warm and delicious homemade cookies. Every cookie is a trip down memory lane, a reminder of […]
Sparkling Cranberry and Apple Cocktail and Hot Ham and Cheese Bites
The most anticipated meal of the year is just a day away. Hopefully, you are sitting with the paper, either just starting your day or taking a break with your […]