Vancouver City Council

Subject of longest meeting? Impact fees

Toward the end of last week's seven-hour Vancouver City Council meeting, councilors questioned if they were participating in a record-long meeting. No, said City Attorney Ted Gathe. The meeting on the […]

Tesoro-Savage mailer fails to impress

Vancouver City Councilor Jack Burkman has lived in his home for 30 years, so he was surprised to see a mailer addressed to "Thomas Crane or current resident." He, along […]

Tesoro employees send form letters

In addition to taking testimony Monday on oil-related resolutions, the Vancouver City Council welcomed people who could not attend to share their thoughts via email. Councilor Jack Burkman, the first councilor […]

Rundown of speakers from Vancouver council meeting

At the start of Monday's public hearing on oil terminal-related resolutions, Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt told speakers they'd have three minutes each and they only had to state their names, not addresses, […]

His name was Lola …

On May 31 there was a Glamorous Gams fundraising event for The Children's Center, a low-income mental health clinic. We've posted photos from a prior Glamorous Gams, so we thought we'd […]

Burkman, Turlay demonstrate different research methods

Since a resident emailed the Vancouver City Council last month to inquire whether the city has ever considered a plastic bag ordinance, a few councilors have traded thoughts on the […]

Strahan: We didn’t want “precious” general fund money for Pearson

The city of Vancouver, the Fort Vancouver National Trust and the National Park Service had to issue separate announcements, rather than a joint statement, about Pearson Air Museum last month. That's a sign of drama […]

The Odd Couple

A lively exchange between former Mayor Bruce Hagensen and Vancouver City Councilor Bill Turlay was the highlight of Monday's council meeting. Seriously, if we want to improve public participation in local […]

City puts in order with McDonald’s

The proposal to build a McDonald's on Main Street, north of Fourth Plain Boulevard, has not been well-received. During a pre-application meeting this morning in a conference room at City Hall, […]

City tests low-cost solution to stop speeders

At the prodding of Vancouver City Councilors Anne McEnerny-Ogle and Bart Hansen, the city today tested a low-cost solution to slow down drivers on West 39th Street in the Lincoln […]

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