David Madore

Communication breakdown

Clark County Commissioner David Madore did something this week he rarely does: He apologized. Not to me, but I'll get to that. The apology stemmed from something he wrote on his Facebook […]

Madore’s big contribution

Political observers were waiting for County Commissioner David Madore to throw his money behind one of this year's campaigns. He has so far given money to several Republican candidates, but […]

Mielke mobile

A recent topic of conversation among county commissioners has been whether to lower, or alter in some way, their monthly car allowance. Currently the commissioners receive $600 a month. Next […]

Wanna leave a comment, write a Haiku

If you were thinking of leaving comments on Clark County's website regarding its comprehensive plan update, you'd have better luck dashing off a series of tweets. That's because the county placed […]

Mielke wants more car money, less training

The Board of Clark County Commissioners is at its rawest during “board time,” the weekly Kaffee Klatsch-esque meetings where a triumvirate of men resembling castoffs from a repertory theater production […]

Forget a ‘meaningful life’; what about a ‘quality person?’

It’s been a little over a year, and Commissioner David Madore is still talking about what kind of a salary it takes to live a “meaningful” life. But now we […]

C-Tran board: Call me maybe?

Following a couple of recent instances of telephonic governance, the C-Tran Board of Directors is considering setting new rules on how -- and how often -- board members can call […]

Deus ex machina east county bridge

Clark County Commissioner David Madore has a shiny new website dedicated to his east county bridge idea. Too bad there are parts of it that nobody can read. Unless, that is, […]

Fireworks policy elicits Kafkaesque conversation

It's been a rough couple of weeks at public meetings. First there was the Sieg Heil dude, whose Nazi salute set the C-Tran board on edge (yet elicited a smattering of […]

Commissioner’s Facebook post makes you go hmm

Commissioner David Madore is living by Mark Twain's old adage that one shouldn't let the truth get in the way of a good story. In a Facebook post Monday, Madore […]

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