Madore’s big contribution

Political observers were waiting for County Commissioner David Madore to throw his money behind one of this year’s campaigns. He has so far given money to several Republican candidates, but he waited until recently before really dipping into his bank account to fund a campaign (like he did with his own run for county commissioner in 2012).
According to the state’s Public Disclosure Commission, Madore has given the Political Action Committee that’s opposing the proposed home rule charter, Don’t Lose Your Voice, $37,000 in two contributions last week. Previously, Clyde Holland, a local real estate developer and chairman of Holland Partner Group, donated $27,500. The PAC now has collected $81,700 in contributions.
Madore’s influx of cash means the Don’t Lose Your Vote PAC has almost generated as much money as the pro-charter PAC, ClarkForward. That PAC has taken in a little more than $91,588, including in-kind contributions. The pro-charter PAC has it’s own deep-pocketed donors, including David Nierenberg, Ed Lynch and Ken Fisher.
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