
Spring Break But No Fitness Break

Kids are out of school in a couple weeks for Spring Break which can often wreak havoc on parents’ fitness routines! But Spring Break doesn’t need to mean a break […]

Working Out When You Just Don’t Have Time

The number one reason people say they don’t exercise is because they just don’t have the time. It’s true that more and more people are expressing that they are overwhelmed […]

Re-Finding Your Motivation

The recent snow storm in the Northwest caused many people to experience a big setback to any health and fitness goals they may have set on January 1st! You may […]

New Fitness Activities To Try In 2017

Variety is the spice of life so as many of us launch a fitness program to help us get in better shape for the New Year, perhaps trying something new […]

New Year’s Resolution Reality Check

No, you CAN’T achieve anything you set your mind to… I’ve said it myself many times. “You can achieve anything you set your mind to”. But the reality is that’s just […]

Time to Spring Into Action

In the colder climates, it is common over the winter months to gain a little weight. The days are shorter, it’s cold outside and we just don’t get as much […]

Wake Up Call

Have you ever stopped to look closely at a tombstone?  Usually it will list the deceased’s name, perhaps a few words to remember them by and then it will list […]

Weekly Workout Routine

Last week we talked about the importance of moving your body and how to make that commitment.  Once you figure out the WHY, the WHAT is the easy part. So […]

Strengthening Your Heart and Lungs

I’m going to give you a little Exercise Physiology lesson today…all about strengthening your heart and lungs! The cardio-respiratory system or the heart and lungs is responsible for the distribution of […]

Body Image Blues

As a professional in the fitness industry, I hear too often people who refer negatively to parts of their body.... “My legs are so fat!” “My butt is so big!" “I wish I […]

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