Tips to get you PSYCHED to WORKOUT!

If you’re lacking motivation and finding every excuse NOT to exercise, here’s some tips that might actually get you excited to workout!
Get a Massage
Set a goal that if you workout X number of times per week or per month, you’ll treat yourself to a massage!
Set a challenge with your buddies and you each put in X amount of money into the pot. Whoever wins the challenge, gets the money! Nothing like a little friendly competition to make your workouts exciting! The goal could be weight loss, finishing first at a race or who can do the greatest number of workouts or furthest distance in a set period of time.
Trade gear
To help with your consistency, trade your workout shoes with your workout buddy. That way if you don’t show up for a workout, your friend won’t be able to workout either because you have their shoes! You don’t want to let a friend down so you’ll be more likely to get there!
Sign up together
Find a race that you and a friend or family member or a group of your best buddies will train for and do together. It’s so much easier and much more fun to get to the finish line with your peeps!
Establish a bucket-list goal every 3 months
Life is more exciting when you are doing new things, exploring, experiencing amazing adventures and having fun! So every 3 months set a goal that excites you. It might be hiking the Grand Canyon, learning to Paddle Board, taking a new class, going on a bike ride you’ve never done before, or trying rock-climbing for the first time. Challenge yourself to schedule active adventures every few months. So….what’s your first one going to be?!
Take it down a notch
There’s nothing that will lead to burnout faster than if you go hard all the time. The good news is that even elite athletes push hard only a couple times per week. So sometimes go hard and sometimes go easy. Mix up your intensity to allow for physical and mental breaks. You’ll be more likely to be consistent if you don’t have to push a high intensity pace every single workout!
Find the joy
If you hate your workout program, you are more likely to eventually drop out. Find a way to move your body that you enjoy. It might be Zumba, Barre Classes, Rock-climbing, Hiking, Cycling…It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you do it!
Get rid of the negative self-talk
Focus on how far you’ve come. Focus on what you CAN do versus what you CAN’T do. Focus on the positives. Get rid of any self-doubt and critical self-talk. Changing your body requires you to change your mind!
Choose your music wisely!
It is true that music motivates so have workout playlists ready to go that inspire you to train hard. And know which songs will get you from NOT wanting to workout to getting you pumped to get after it. That way when you’re just not feeling it, you can play your Motivation Playlist and it won’t be long before you’re hitting it!
When you’re not feeling it, tell yourself you will just do it for 10-15 minutes. It will be easier to motivate yourself to do it for such a short period of time but 9 times out of 10, once you get going, you feel better and are more likely to continue!
We’ve all lacked the motivation to workout at some point or another. But those of us who are consistent on a regular basis have systems set up to overcome those obstacles and just get it done!
Yours in health & fitness,
Sherri McMillan
Note: As an avid Columbian reader, you can redeem a 2 week pass at her world-class training studio to help get you started. Contact 360.574.7292 for more details.
Join us for…..
June 23rd – 25th
Pacific Crest events begin Friday morning, with the competition and fun continuing into Sunday afternoon. The full, fun weekend includes Tour de Crest Bike Tours, 72.3 BEASTMAN, Olympic & Ultra-Sprint Triathlons, Duathlons & AquaBike, Marathon, Half-Marathon, 10k, 5k, 25K Trail Run and three kids events – truly something for everyone!