
Thankful For Your Health

As we approach Thanksgiving and the holiday season, we tend to reflect on the people and things we are thankful for. Developing a gratitude mindset is so critical to our […]

Mind Tricks to Improve Your Health

We’ve all probably had to struggle through a workout or play mind games to get to the finish line of a challenging physical event or race. Recent research indicates that […]

Boost Your Vaccine!

The CDC is reporting that unvaccinated individuals are 10x more likely to be hospitalized and die from Covid-19. Local hospitals in Clark County are reporting that approximately 90-95% of the […]

Back to School, Back to YOU!

Kids are back to school so many parents are ready to start focusing on their health and fitness again. It’s a great time to assess your exercise and nutrition plan […]

Multitasking Workouts

Juggling work, family, summer and keeping our loved ones safe is making life feel really busy. Not to mention getting ready for back-to-school during a Covid-era and it’s no wonder […]

Transitioning Back To Your Gym Workouts

One thing we’ve learned over the last year is the importance of our health. Research demonstrates that if you contract Covid-19, you are also less likely to be hospitalized and […]

Fit(ish) in your 50s – Week 4

We’ve made it through the 20s, 30s and 40s and today, we discuss the obstacles that surface when trying to get Fit-ish in your 50s. We collaborated with Brenda Braxton from […]

Fit(ish) in Your 30s – Week 2

Last week, we reviewed fitness tips for the 20 somethings. With each decade there are typically new challenges and opportunities. Today, Brenda Braxton and trainer Alicia Rose focus on the […]

It’s Time To Get Fit(ish) – Week 1

We collaborated with Brenda Braxton and KGW to host a fitness series to help viewers get moving and get in better shape whether they are in their 20s, 30s, 40s, […]

What’s the Bare Minimum to Maintain Fitness?

It is true that if “you don’t use it, you lose it”. Fitness is transient. The unfortunate reality is that the training benefits gained from an exercise program will be […]

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