It’s Time To Get Fit(ish) – Week 1

We collaborated with Brenda Braxton and KGW to host a fitness series to help viewers get moving and get in better shape whether they are in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s or beyond. Each decade presents new challenges and opportunities, and we’ll break those down and provide our community a couple takeaways you can start using right away.
The series is called Fit (ish) and there are a bunch of funny definitions for that phrase. This one sums it up best, “likes to work out but definitely likes french fries!” The series will focus on body positivity and consistency while reminding us that some movement is better than none at all– hence the “ish.”
The series with air on KGW at 5pm and 6pm starting Monday May 17th thru to Friday May 21st.
Here’s a preview of the first episode:
Monday May 17th: Your 20s
Young people in their 20s are typically focused on school or career or both. They’re generally healthier than their older counterparts, can eat what they want without gaining weight, can drink what they want and recover relatively quickly from overindulging. As a result, they may not see the immediate necessity of good nutrition and exercise.
What’s the one exercise habit to build in your 20s?
Use your 20s to develop exercise as a habit like brushing your teeth and taking a shower. Move your body every day. Learn to make it part of your lifestyle. Exercise because you know it helps you to be at your best in every way. You don’t have to go to the gym everyday but do some type of activity that is active and fun on a daily basis. Developing this love of exercise so that it’s part of your regular day and your lifestyle will develop a foundation that will help you as you get older.
How do you get the most bang for your buck considering a 20-something body can handle higher intensity work outs?
Incorporate Full body, compound movements – pullups, pushups, squats, burpees
- When you’re in your 20s, we often want to look and feel our best. Strength training is the best path to changing your body composition and developing a lean physique so be sure to lift at least 2-3 days per week. Choosing full body, compound movements will assure you focus on your larger muscle groups and foundation movements.
Try Explosive, plyometric movements once per week
- Plyometric training develops muscle, strength, power, speed and overall fitness. When you’re young, you can better manage the force and load of plyometric training so it’s a good decade to give it a try.
Add Agility and speed work once per week
- As we age, our fast twitch muscles atrophy and our ability to move quickly decreases. If you have stopped playing sports, incorporate some speed and agility work into your program to maintain your fast twitch muscles.
Incorporate High-intensity, interval training into your routine twice per week
High intensity workouts provide the quickest training adaptations and are the fastest way to get fit. When we are younger, we can tolerate high intensity workouts better so your 20s is the time to focus on this approach. When doing cardio training, you can incorporate 30-60 second high intensity bursts throughout your session. When strength training, you can incorporate high intensity, explosive, full body movements where you push really hard for 30-60 seconds and then recover before your next set.
Personal Trainer, Nathan Brown, 25 years old demonstrates an effective, high-intensity cardio and strength movement, the Burpee.
The burpee is a high-intensity movement that challenges your muscular and cardiovascular system, your lower body, upper body and core, and would be a great exercise to incorporate in your 20s. Progress as follows with 30-60 second rounds:
Start with a Walk-out Burpee. Start by standing tall. Then place your hands on the ground about shoulder width apart. Walk one foot back and then the other foot back into a plank position. Then step your feet back in and stand back tall.
Add a jump out and in. Once you’ve mastered the walk out Burpee, then instead of stepping out and in, you can try jumping out and in. Remember to keep your core strong, abdominals active and spine long.
Add a jump up. Once you’re mastered the above progressions, as you stand tall at a jump up and a soft landing.
Add a pushup. Once you’re mastered the above progressions, after you jump out into the plank position, add a pushup, then continue through the rest of the Burpee movement.
Try on one leg – If you’re looking for an advanced option, try your entire Burpee sequence on one leg.
Yours in health & fitness,
Sherri McMillan