
Stop Running Red Lights on Your Fitness Journey!

In the pursuit of fitness and wellness, mistakes and missed goals are inevitable. Whether it's skipping a workout, indulging in an unhealthy meal, or not hitting a personal best, these […]

Spring Reset

The spring season offers a perfect opportunity to hit the reset button and embrace a fresh mindset towards our health and well-being.  Spring signifies renewal. It's a time to shake off […]

Reset Not Retreat

Many of you have set intentions for a healthier 2024 and yet, here we are only a couple weeks in and our plans are already being sabotaged with snow, ice […]

Better New Years Resolutions

With approximately 70% of our society overweight or obese, many people use January 1st as an incentive to lose weight and get healthy. Although carrying excessive body fat is a major […]

20 Minutes Per Day

A new 2023 study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that only 28% of Americans are getting the recommended amount of daily physical activity. That’s less […]

Best Apps to Help Achieve Resolutions

Setting and failing at New Year’s Resolutions is so common that it’s become an expectation. If you are serious about experiencing lasting transformations and achieving whatever goals you set for […]

23 Different Resolutions Instead of Weight Loss

As we launch into 2023, many people will resolve to lose weight. Unfortunately, that can be a negative focus. First, many factors can affect our day-to-day weight such as fluid […]

10 Tips to Stay on Track

When you start a health and fitness program, everyone has the intention of sticking with it. Often though, motivation fades, boredom may set in, and time constraints make it easy […]

5 Tips to Get Back on Track

It’s been over a month since many of you decided to make some changes in your lives. If the stats are accurate, most of you have already fallen off the […]

Do The Things to Create The Results!

Last week, we discussed the importance of setting your intentions for 2022 and establishing structure to assure you manifest those ambitions. It is clear that setting goals is not enough. […]

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