Bread, Wine & Candles

Falling into Romance

I think fall is the most romantic time of the year. I know, I know. Most people would say spring with all the newly blooming flowers and soft, sweet air. […]

Romance in a bowl

So here's the fireplace I was talking about on Tuesday. If you're ready to curl up in front of it, here's a suggestion for what you could be eating while […]

Now, Where Was I?

It's been a long time, hasn't it? Major family crisis now resolved so it's time to get back to what passes for normal in my life. Which means, among other […]

Romantic Glamping

  Now this is what I call beach camping. Or glamping, which is my new favorite word. Glamorous, sensuous, decadent camping. Where do I sign up? I have had my share of […]

Who, What, Where, When and Why

Everyone who ever had an English teacher like mine learned the 5-Ws of writing. You had to have them all to please her. So today, because I'm editing a work-in-progress […]

A Book to Read

I am not, it turns out, the only person to connect food and romance. Of course, you're saying. Why would you even think you were? I did't really. I've seen […]

Deja Vu All Over Again

Through the wonders of Facebook and YouTube I've recently seen an image of an old boyfriend. He looks different (duh). Decades have passed since I've seen him so it is […]

Summer Heats Up

It would have been nicer if summer came on gradually but... Instead it hit with a heat hammer that hasn't let up much. So, the romantic in me has to […]

It’s Too Darn Hot

There's a famous song of that title that says when the temperature gets too high, the impulse for romance goes way down. So here we are in what is an […]

First Picnic of the Summer

Summer, it appears, is about to close in on us with a vengeance. Time to dust off the picnic basket, grab a soft blanket and some big pillows and head […]

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