
Crab Cakes and Rhubarb, Cardamom and Pistachio Cake

Let’s eat cake! Crab and rhubarb, that is. Whether you recreational crab or happen to notice a good sale like I did, crab cakes are always a treat to enjoy. […]

Warm Green Vinaigrette, Lyonnaise Dressing and Creamy Curry Maple Dressing

  In the travel world there is shoulder season, a time between peak and off-peak seasons. In the culinary world, it exists as well. You’re eager for all the fresh, green […]

Coconut Daal with Crispy Potatoes

April is Earth Month, a great time to reaffirm our eating and living habits in ways that are helpful to the planet. Whether you do Meatless Monday, eat entirely plant-based, […]

Polenta with Asparagus, Peas and Mint

Ahhh, spring. The sun is shining, the birds are singing. Oh, wait ...  it’s snowing. One minute it’s sunny and you can get away with a light coat, or maybe, just […]

Vegan Thumbprint Cookies with Raspberry Jam

We are now on North Pole time, where the days speed up and magically disappear faster than you can say Saint Nick. Don’t wait. Start right this minute making every […]

Broccoli, Rice, Cheese, and Chicken Casserole

The Thanksgiving countdown has begun. Soon your whole house will be filled with the wonderful aroma of roast turkey and pumpkin pie and your table filled with all those smiling […]

Pumpkin Soup Three Ways

Be ready for that first drop of rain. Here’s a trio of pumpkin soups, all of them healthy, quick and easy. Each of them is so delicious you should plan […]

Skillet Pantry Pasta

Free food. Yes, I said free food. As grocery prices continue to soar, there’s one place you can continue to get a free meal, and that’s at home. Chance are, […]

Sicilian Caponata

This week, I’m sharing what I’m eating, and right now, I’m eating caponata. I made this year’s first batch a few weeks ago, and memories filled my kitchen almost as […]

Cowboy Caviar

The heat is definitely on this week. When it gets this hot, the last place you want to be is the kitchen. Warmer temperatures can definitely wreak havoc with your […]

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