
Say ‘No’ to the Pasta Pass

Olive Garden is offering Never Ending Pasta Passes for 1,000 pasta-lovers willing to shell out $100 for the seven-week pass. Don’t do it. Just. Say. No. The Pasta Pass gets Olive Garden […]

More women opt for double mastectomies

The number of women undergoing double mastectomies for early-stage breast cancer increased significantly from 1998 to 2011, but, according to researchers, the surgeries were not associated with a lower mortality […]

Alcohol: The workout buzzkill

Alcohol may be the most commonly consumed drug among athletes, but that the alcohol can impact your workouts days later. While it takes the average person about 90 minutes to metabolize […]

CDC: E-cigarettes tempt kids to smoke

Youth who have tried electronic cigarettes are nearly twice as likely to say they would try a conventional cigarette compared with those who have never tried an e-cigarette, according to […]

Study: Parents think overweight kids are healthy weight

As waistlines continue to grow, parents are having a tougher time recognizing their children are overweight. A new study found parents are 24 percent less likely to spot a child’s weight […]

The breakfast debate

Researchers are questioning whether breakfast really helps with weight loss. Two trials tested the merits of the most important meal of the day and were published in the August issue of […]

Skip ramen for heart health

If you want to keep your heart healthy, skip the instant noodles. A study published in The Journal of Nutrition found that instant noodles aren’t good for the heart, especially if […]

Young athletes play hard, down-play injuries

Sports injuries landed 1.24 million kids in hospital emergency rooms in 2013 – that’s nearly 3,400 kids every day, one kid every 25 seconds. Those statistics were revealed in a new […]

D.C.’s post-shutdown baby boom

Hospitals in Washington D.C. are experiencing what appears to be an aftereffect of the 16-day government shutdown in October: bustling maternity wards. Nine months after the furlough, D.C. hospitals are seeing […]

Fist bump for better hygiene

If you want to cut down on the spread of bacteria, try ditching the traditional handshake greeting and instead give a fist bump. Researchers have found that fist-bumping transmits significantly fewer […]

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