clark county

Madore responds to whistle-blower complaint

One would think that when an employee files a whistle-blower complaint against an elected official, it might be wise for said elected to wait to comment until an investigation is complete. But […]

Be prepared for Clark County meetings with ‘fill-in-the-blank’ story

A proposed charter amendment introduced by Councilor David Madore, despite apparent disinterest from a majority of councilors, appears doomed to suffer a slow, drawn-out death. Late last year, Madore, supported by […]

(CAPTION CONTEST) I’ll get dat pesky county managew

Let me start out by saying I’m not trying to turn this into a battle between dueling blogs. I’m really not. But the latest from is too great not […]

News to disappoint Nan Fans: Henriksen not running

Sorry, Nan Fans: Nan Henriksen has decided not to run for Clark County Councilor Tom Mielke’s seat after all. Late last year, Henriksen, 74, briefly flirted with the idea of running […]

Anti-McCauley article distributed to employees

Clark County employees returned to their cars at the end of the work day Tuesday to find articles lambasting Acting County Manager Mark McCauley left on their windshields, according to […]

Petition demands Madore be investigated

A week ago, I reported that former Clark County Council candidate Chuck Green, a Democrat, alleged ethical misconduct by Councilor David Madore. It turns out a few people agree. Vancouver man Chris […]

Will third time be a charm for Mielke?

It appears Clark County Councilor Tom Mielke will run for reelection after all. Mielke told The Reflector and Camas-Washougal Post Record that he is, indeed, running to keep his seat in […]

‘The urinating on chairs was bad enough’

If you thought your job was bad, remember: at least you probably don’t have to deal with peed-on furniture. The Clark County council on Wednesday revisited a plan to make the […]

Sheriff’s office hosts family-only pistol license event

An anonymous angry caller complained that the Clark County Sheriff’s Office put on a special event for its employees and their families to apply for concealed pistol license. Are they […]

Madore points fingers over Comp Plan

The Clark County council’s Wednesday board time featured a heated discussion of the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan update and Councilor David Madore’s accusations that staff is attempting to hide information […]

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