Author: Erik Hidle

The Athenian recall

All the recall talk of late gives me a chance to share one of the more hilariously intense stories I ever gleaned from a history book. So prepare, one and all, […]

In search of spooky ghosts

Last week, before a few things happened on the county beat, Clark County Assessor Peter Van Nortwick sent me one of the finer emails I've ever received. He wanted to know […]

One of these things is not like the others

There have been a fair amount of illogical arguments raised in our always polite and never verbally abusive comment sections regarding the county's Don Benton appointment. I'd like to quickly address […]

More children at work

The post I wrote yesterday about "Take Your Child To Work Day" didn't get any horribly mean and angry comments on it. In fact, it got no comments at all. So […]

Take your child to work day

Today is "Take Your Child to Work Day," the annual semi-holiday where children across the nation realize school is actually pretty great. And while it's probably a drag to to go […]

Disclaimer: Clark County not responsible for bad information

Last week, Clark County commissioners decided to put a link on the county website to the "other side" of opinions on the Columbia River Crossing. Apparently the county has linked to […]

Bring some quarters for your comments

You can now park for free at all of Clark County's parks and boat launches. The county won't be making the same concession for those looking to park in the garage […]

Madore seeking mayor…er…council candidates

Clark County Commissioner David Madore has a casting call out for folks considering running for city council positions this year. Yes, it could be you. Now, I could write a whole bunch […]

It’s good to be Greg

Clark County Auditor Greg Kimsey may be the most beloved man in local politics. It just seems impossible for him to find enemies. At Tuesday night's meeting of Clark County commissioners, Kimsey […]

Prayer on the agenda

The prayer time before public hearings that Clark County Commissioner Tom Mielke has been pursuing will be discussed this coming Tuesday, and will very likely go to a vote. The resolution […]

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