
Oven Roasted Tomatoes

Today, as yellow school buses roared by our house splashing rainwater onto My Victory Garden, I roasted cookie sheets filled with garden tomatoes topped with salt and olive oil.  Our […]

Tomato Bacon Sandwich

We do not eat BLT's in our home, oh no, we eat Tomato Bacon Sandwiches.  It's important to have your priorities straight during the heirloom tomato season.  My favorite heirloom […]

Fingerling Potato Chips

I forgot to buy the potato chips to accompany my first tomato bacon sandwich of the season.  And I'm so glad that I forgot!  Instead of heading to the store, […]

Editing My Victory Garden

This spring, I was charmed with the borage in My Victory Garden.  Bees adore borage and my garden hummed with the happy little workers. The borage volunteers that started from a […]

One-Pan Pasta

Once upon a time, I saw a picture of a gorgeous platter of all different kinds of sliced tomatoes in Martha Stewart’s Living magazine.  I thought that it was the […]

A Picnic Dinner for Two

Last week, My Pirate whisked me away on a road trip adventure around the Washington State Peninsula to celebrate my fortieth birthday and our seventeen years of wedded bliss together. […]

A Lovely Sandwich

Yesterday, I made a lovely sandwich out of the garden following Deborah Madison's suggestion in her book Vegetable Literacy.  I've grown lovage and cucumbers in my garden for the past […]

Summer Tomato Salad on Brown Butter Toasts

Late August always leads to culinary debauchery in our kitchen.  All the fresh produce in the garden combined with my need to capture the last moments of summer create some […]

Blueberry and Basil Cream Biscuits

I made a perfectly respectable batch of blueberry coconut muffins for the herb workshop.   But, when I gave one to My Pirate for him to sample, he simply took a […]

Hazel Dell School and Community Garden Summer Program

Last summer, I was watching an episode of Garden Time and saw the host interview Barbara Nordstrom at her Hazel Dell School and Community Garden.  I pointed at the TV […]

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