
Remember Your WHY!

Gyms, yoga studios and pools are closed. Running and Triathlon races cancelled. It is easy to understand why you may start to lose your motivation to workout. The key to maintaining […]

Getting To The Finish Line Of Fitness

"Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed." -- Cavett Robert It’s been a month since the world set their […]

Choose Your Friends Wisely To Be Healthy

You’ve probably heard that you are the sum of your five closest friends. It is indeed true that you are influenced by the people that you spend your time with […]

Try a NEW Approach to RESOLUTIONS

As we launch into 2020, many of us are resolving to make some major changes in our lives such as starting an exercise program, eating healthier, losing weight, quitting smoking, […]

Fitness Trivia to Motivate

As we approach the New Year, we often to take time to reflect on the highlights of the last year, the people and things we are thankful for and look […]

Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That

Between work, family and social commitments, time is definitely tight and the number one reason people say they don’t exercise is because they just don’t have the time. The good news […]

Get Ripped for Summer

We just finished a 12-week series that included cardio, muscle, nutrition and lifestyle tips to get you in great shape for summer. We are one month away from the start […]

5 Tips To Overcoming The Roadblocks

When people set New Years Resolutions, most have great intentions and are extremely zealous but quickly run into roadblocks and eventually fall off the wagon. Soon the motivation fades and […]

Rethink How You Approach New Years Resolutions

Last week, we discussed the 4 Most Important Tips to Winning at Fitness. There is one more thing that is critical to achieving any goal that you set and that’s […]

Christmas Thanks

During the Christmas season of giving, it’s nice to sit back and contemplate what we are grateful for. It’s a positive action to make a list of the people we […]

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