Sherri McMillan
Couples that Sweat Together, Stay Together
If your sweetie has set a resolution to get fit this year, the last thing you want to do is sabotage his or her efforts with a box of chocolates […]
Re-Finding Your Motivation
The recent snow storm in the Northwest caused many people to experience a big setback to any health and fitness goals they may have set on January 1st! You may […]
Don’t Be A Quitter
Since many join a gym and resolve to get fit at this time of year, it’s probably a good idea to examine some of the reasons why someone quits long […]
Low Cost Fitness
January can be tough for a lot of people. Credit card bills are arriving highlighting the additional holiday spending making everyone feel a little more stressed. But many also are […]
New Fitness Activities To Try In 2017
Variety is the spice of life so as many of us launch a fitness program to help us get in better shape for the New Year, perhaps trying something new […]
New Year’s Resolution Reality Check
No, you CAN’T achieve anything you set your mind to… I’ve said it myself many times. “You can achieve anything you set your mind to”. But the reality is that’s just […]
10 Minute Holiday Workout – Week 4
So far, we’ve covered a Bedroom, Kitchen and Living Room workout. Today, we’ll add a Dining Room workout to your repertoire that will counteract all the calories you’ll be consuming […]
10 Minute Holiday Workout – Week 3
So far, we’ve covered a Bedroom and a Kitchen workout. Today, we’ll add a Living Room workout to your repertoire. You realize I’m giving you absolutely no excuses for not […]
10 Minute Holiday Workout – Week 2
Last week, we covered the 10 minute Holiday workout you can do without even leaving your Bedroom. Today, I’ll share a workout you can do while cooking in the kitchen. There’s […]
10 Minute Holiday Workout – Week 1
It can be a major challenge to get to the gym during the holidays between decorating, shopping, parties, and travelling. Well, no need to add to your stress because these […]