Sherri McMillan

Remember Your WHY!

Gyms, yoga studios and pools are closed. Running and Triathlon races cancelled. It is easy to understand why you may start to lose your motivation to workout. The key to maintaining […]

What’s Better? Working Out at Home or at The Gym?

Fitness Clubs have been closed for 6 weeks due to COVID-19 forcing all exercise enthusiasts to find alternatives to maintain their fitness. Being forced into this situation is challenging for […]

Food & Exercise is Medicine!

You will notice there are many reports suggesting that obesity and poor health are high risk factors to not faring well if infected with COVID-19. This information should be a […]

Workout Tools at Home

Since our training studio has been closed for nearly a month due to COVID-19, I’ve been teaching a lot of virtual online classes and training sessions. It has definitely proven […]

Finding a Sense of Calm During COVID-19

We are all navigating these challenging times differently, but one thing that is common among all of us is that.... .....the unknown can be stressful and scary. Some of us may be […]

Are We On The Verge of a Running Boom?!

We are experiencing a global pandemic with fitness clubs closed and many confined to their homes with very little options for exercise. Fitness enthusiasts, not easily detoured from their commitment […]

Bored? Give Me 3 Minutes to a Strong Core!

Most people report that a lack of time is the number one reason they don’t exercise on a regular basis. Well, most can’t use that excuse anymore as many are […]

Workouts When You’re Stuck at Home!

We are cooped up and stressed out! What we need now more than ever is exercise to improve our physical strength, mental health, reduce our stress and help develop our […]

Managing Your Stress During The Coronavirus Scare

People are very stressed out right now with the Coronovirus pandemic. People are worried about getting sick and/or infecting their older loved ones or those at-risk with a compromised immune […]

Should You Workout During The Coronavirus Outbreak?

As a result of the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) developments, many are asking whether they should be working out and heading to the gym? First, let’s make sure you’re not using the […]

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