Get Outside For Your Health

No school, people are working from home and we can’t actually go anywhere and do anything. Everything is virtual and many are opting to place all their orders online and have all their household needs delivered so there’s no reason to leave your home. Some people are literally stuck indoors all day and that is not good for your health.
Taking that initiative to get outdoors provides incredible health benefits.
Here are some of the positive outcomes of exercising outside:
Boost Your Vitamin D!
Exposure to sunlight is critical to Vitamin D production which is important to our overall health and functioning and can help you sleep better, improve your immunity and increase endorphins – those feel-good hormones. This is all critical considering the negative issues surround the pandemic.
Fresh Air!
Getting outdoors always you to breath in fresh air which is so much better for you than breathing recirculated air.
Improve Your Mental Health!
One study found that outdoor exercise was associated with increased energy as well as decreased anger and depression.
Enhance Your Self-Esteem!
One study found that working out in nature can improve self-esteem. Furthermore, researchers found that low-intensity exercise outdoors had the biggest positive effects, so you don’t have to go hard to reap the benefits.
Increase Your Consistency!
Outdoor exercisers reported enjoying their workouts more and said they were more likely to repeat the workouts.
Burn More Calories and Provide More Physiological Benefits!
Running on a treadmill or cycling on a bike is just not the same as doing the real thing. When you have to deal with different terrain, elevation and wind, your body is going to have to work harder!
Working out indoors is great but there’s nothing like fresh mountain or ocean air and beautiful terrain to boost your energy and your immune system. We are fortunate enough to be so close to the Gorge, Mt. St. Helen’s, Mt. Hood, the Coast and numerous parks and trails right here in Clark County.
You can explore local trails right here in Clark County with minimal elevation but maximum scenery including Lacamas Lake & Round Lake Trail, Battle Ground Lake, Moulton Falls trail, Lewis River Park Trail, Discover/Burnt Bridge Trail, Waterfront Trail & Salmon Creek Trail…the options are endless including amazing Forest Park in Portland!
We are fortunate enough to live in an area with various paved trails that allow for great cycling away from traffic including Salmon Creek Trail, Discover/Burnt Bridge Trail, Waterfront Trail, Marine Drive Trail (in Portland extending from 33rd to 205 Bridge), Spring Water Corridor in Portland, Waterfront Trail loop in downtown Portland (approx. 10 miles on paths) and Banks to Vernonia Paved Trail offers 42 miles round trips of scenic, paved trails away from traffic.
Dedicate at least 1-2 of your workouts per week outside and enjoy the majestic views and take a moment to be thankful for what a beautiful area we live.
Yours in health & fitness,
Sherri McMillan
Note: As an avid Columbian reader, you can redeem a complimentary initial virtual personal training appointment to help get you started. Email us for more details.
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