side dish

Cold Sesame Noodles with Cucumber

Need something to keep your cool while the weather stays hot? A cold noodle salad is just how to do it. Bracingly cool, Cold Sesame Noodles with Cucumber are just […]

Middle Eastern Spiced Chickpea Salad

Looking for an easy, breezy recipe that you can pull out of your hat no matter what the summer may throw at you? This Middle Eastern Spiced Chickpea Salad was […]

Crab Pasta Salad

It’s just not a barbecue without pasta salad, and in the history of all pasta salads I have ever known, one stands supreme.  Packed with umami before anyone even knew […]

Broccoli Salad With Peanut Dressing

Ahhh…. grilling season.  With the warmer weather, more of the cooking and eating moves outdoors and who doesn’t love that?  It’s not hard to think of something that sounds good.  […]

Grilled Corn and Nectarine Salad

Summer, where did you go?  There were a few barbecues, some berry picking, a road trip or two, and then just like that - it was over.  Not to fear. […]

Patriotic Potato Salad

Just in case you are still looking for something fun to bring to that barbecue this weekend, here is a fast, easy potato salad that will show some holiday spirit.  […]

Roasted Broccolini

Get green with some roasted broccolini.  We all know we need to eat more veggies, but leaving them uncooked in your fridge, or forgetting about them altogether, is not the […]

Chopped Greek-Style Salad

We knew it couldn't last forever.  Summer is coming to an end.  In a little more than a week we will be back in school and the lazy days of […]

Oh, Kale! – Searching for a lost Irish recipe

This was supposed to be a blog extolling the nutritional virtues of kale, and a shameless attempt for me to convince you to buy some frozen.  Ever since discovering it […]

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