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Fresh Tomato Salad

We did our first trip of the season through the Vancouver Farmer’s Market on Saturday.  There were quite a few of the usual vendors, and a nice selection of produce […]

Post-holiday Breakfast

We celebrated Easter a day early and I could not resist posting this photo of those leftovers being put to good use.  I poached eggs in the toaster oven this […]

A Pie for Easter

Easter is a ham holiday. Oh sure, there are the chocolate bunnies, jelly beans and that beautiful loaf of golden braided bread. There really is no point in trying to […]

Light Balsamic Salad Dressing

The first day of Spring has arrived and with it comes the opening of the Vancouver Farmer’s Market on March 21.  Our downtown market is Southwest Washington's #1 visitor attraction, […]

Healthy Breakfast Sandwich

Did you know that you can poach eggs in the oven?  It is a great way to make a quick breakfast and have some leftovers for another day or two.  […]

Oh, Kale! – Searching for a lost Irish recipe

This was supposed to be a blog extolling the nutritional virtues of kale, and a shameless attempt for me to convince you to buy some frozen.  Ever since discovering it […]

Springtime Salad

About this time every year, I find myself torn.  I am looking forward to the sunny days of spring, but feeling a little sad about saying goodbye to the delicious […]

Wake ’em With Bacon

Is there anything more wonderful than waking up to the smell of bacon?  This weekend, while you have a little more time in the morning, cook up some bacon.  It […]

Easiest Soup Ever

With the warmer weather we have been having, making soup is probably the last thing on your mind.  But remember, it is only February, and here in the Pacific Northwest […]

Make a Muffuletta

It is not too late to join in the Fat Tuesday celebration.  If you have ever been to New Orleans, you know what it's like to miss it, but even […]

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