Today is June the 8th.  To the rest of the world, it is just June the 8th, but to me, it is and always will be, my dad’s birthday.  I wish I was busy baking him a cake right now, but he died in 2001.

My dad loved life.  He was always a kid at heart, and used this enthusiasm and wonder to live every day of his 61 years to the fullest.  He worked hard, but he knew how to seize the day and play hard, too.  He loved to cook, he loved to eat, and he loved to share what he was making with others.  I learned from him that to feed someone is to love them.  He never underestimated the power of a good meal or what an impact the simple act of feeding someone could have on their life.

I did have the honor of baking quite a few of his birthday cakes, and for that I am truly thankful. There was a golf-themed cake, because my dad loved to golf, and a fishing cake, because dad loved to fish, but no matter what, the cake was chocolate.  One cake I remember well was frosted a very dramatic black and white and looked like a piano.   I spent a lot of time working on that cake, and it truly captured something near and dear to my dad because above all else, he loved to play the piano.

Sharing food with someone is a great act of kindness.  Every time you cook for someone you let them know that you care about their well-being.  It says, “I did something nice for you and I hope it makes you happy.”  That you care enough about them to spend your time making sure they have something to eat.

My dad had a great spirit.  I feel him with me always.  I know I inherited his enthusiasm for cooking and for living in the moment, and his great joy in feeding others.   Eating together is one of the most powerful forms of human connection.  Don’t forget this as you feed your family and your friends.

Happy birthday, dad.  I miss you.

Donna Ferguson

Donna Ferguson

I love to cook, garden, and write about all the things in Vancouver and the Northwest that make life so great.

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