Author: Marissa Harshman

State poison center reports increase in cannabis calls

The number of calls to the Washington Poison Center related to cannabis and cannabis products increased more than 10 percent over the last year. The poison center received 272 calls regarding […]

New therapy halts progression of ALS in mice

Researchers at Oregon State University announced new therapy findings that essentially stopped the progression of ALS in mice. The researchers stopped the progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which is also called […]

Gonorrhea reaches outbreak levels in Clark County

Clark County is currently experiencing a gonorrhea outbreak. Dr. Alan Melnick, county health officer, said Clark County Public Health recorded 94 cases of the sexually transmitted disease during the fourth quarter […]

Study: Water births don’t pose harm to newborns

Researchers at Oregon State University say there’s no evidence that water births pose any increased harm to newborns. The researchers looked at data for more than 6,000 midwife-attended water births, which […]

Washingtonians support raising tobacco sale age

The majority of Washington residents want to make young adults wait three more years to legally purchase tobacco. A new poll found that 65 percent Washington residents support raising the sale […]

The true cost of smoking

A pack-a-day smoking habit will end up costing Washington residents quite a bit more than those living in other parts of the country, according to a new report. A Washington smoker […]

State takes action to prevent suicide

Washington’s suicide rate has for years been higher than the national average. From 2010 to 2014, more than 5,000 Washington residents took their own lives. State officials are now taking action […]

Exercise DVDs could hamper workouts

Those exercise DVDs that allow people to work out from the comfort of their own homes may be inflicting psychological damage. Oregon State University researchers conducted a study of 10 popular […]

Researchers discover chemical that could prevent Type 1 diabetes

Oregon State University researchers think they’ve found a chemical that could prevent Type 1 diabetes. The researchers discovered a chemical that blocks Type 1 diabetes in laboratory mice and believe it […]

E-cigarette ads reach millions of youth

Electronic cigarette advertisements in stores, online, in newspapers and magazines and on TV reach nearly 70 percent of middle and high school students, according to a new report. And that exposure […]

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