Cat Tales
The Internet is for Cat People, too
Someone once said... "The internet is full of cat people because dog people go outside." I couldn't tell you who said that, but I've seen it everywhere online. As a cat person, […]
$9 for nine lives
I follow quite a few of the Humane Society and rescue groups on Facebook. My husband volunteers for Family Dogs New Life shelter in Portland as a photographer and I […]
The Internet is for cats
The Internet is for cats. Everyone knows this of course. We have something like 90 percent of the sum total of knowledge of the human race at our finger tips — […]
A little black cat crossed my path
I remember the day my mother, sister and I went to pick out our first cat. The room was small and noisy and the walls were lined with cages, filled with […]
Adding to the menagerie
My parents have adopted another cat. This brings the total in their house to three plus one corgi/German shepherd mix. They weren't really planning to adopt another animal but I know […]
To self-feed or not to self-feed
I've owned cats most of my life. And, in general, it feels like there are fewer decisions about how you're going to "raise" a cat than come up with a […]
The story of Rory
My husband is mostly a dog person. He's an animal lover who loves all animals equally, but he loves dogs and turkeys and goats a little more equally that he […]