Month: August 2013

Let’s talk sleep….. zzzz…..

Let’s talk sleep. Seems we don’t get enough. Studies show most of us need 8-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep yet the average American adult sleeps only 6.9 hours per night. One survey found nearly 70% of primary care patients complained of insomnia. About a third of patients who slept less than 7 hours during the […]

The post Let’s talk sleep….. zzzz….. appeared first on Health Matters.

Willie’s New Baby Brother

Yes, we did it last weekend — adopted a nearly 7-week-old black lab puppy! He’s adorable, very small and quite young. We named him Taj after the blues musician Taj Mahal. I only have a moment to sit and write this blog because literally I am running to take care of all Taj’s puppy needs […]

Just Like Starting Over

A couple weeks in, I’m finally feeling a bit settled in my new job as The Columbian’s Opinion editor, so it’s time to do a little catching up on the blog. To start with, here are some links to my first three Opinion columns. First, I wanted a bit of a light-hearted way to introduce […]

A trip back to Washington

I’m back! I guess you could say that I had a lot of fun in Texas, but in reality it was hot. I think on the first day it was 100 degrees outside and I was wearing jeans. I proceeded to have Chinese food at one of my friend’s restaurants. Her name is Jeany (I […]

Jack and the Beanstalk

Here is the deal: Green beans are absolutely delicious!! And I am not talking about the ones that are nearly plastic tasting and covered in a nice coat of wax and come in a can. I am talking about your northwest freshly grown green beans that are nice, crispy, and full of flavor! These babies […]

Following the route of Napoleon

Today was the day  — the day that I was most anxious about. I would start my ascent of the Pyrenees. I had decided to break up the long mountain trek into two days. This would allow me plenty of time to take in the scenery and not feel rushed. I woke up and had […]

The Lone Star

Hello again! I’m sorry about my depressing post last time. Anyway, this time I’m happy because I’m going to Texas! El Paso, Texas, is where I grew up and was born, and I’m going back to visit my family up there. There’s really no reason to be sad about it, but who knows what’ll happen […]

A day of sorrow

Today was the worst of all days. I believe that today I have more to report than just Harvest Moon and Skyrim, but I feel that it is not as cheerful. Today I hope to share my feelings with the people that read this blog, for I regretfully say that my great-grandmother, Mema, has died. […]

Chia Seed Pudding with Maple Syrup, Ginger + Vanilla

Chia seeds are a great source of healthy omega-3 fats, fibre and calcium. Yes, they also can make cute (ok, not so cute) Chia Pets. But don’t let that stop you from eating this superfood. They can be eaten whole, unlike flax seeds that have to be ground in order to receive the health benefits. These […]

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