weight loss

Changes in Fitness Over The Last 18 Years

We are celebrating our 18th Anniversary at Northwest Personal Training and Drew Carney from the KGW Early Morning Show recently did a segment with us to discuss what has changed […]

4 Most Important Tips to Winning at Fitness

It’s almost January and human nature has many of us resolving to make some major changes in our lives. Maybe we’ll decide to start an exercise program, start eating better, […]

“Turn Over a New Leaf” and “Fall Into Fitness”

Kids are back to school!  Yahoo!  Oops, did I say that out loud?! September is a very busy time in the fitness industry, only second to New Year’s Resolutions. Summer […]

Fat AND Fit

Are you carrying a lot of extra body fat? Although our society as a whole tends to fat-shame, the good news is some evidence suggests that fitness is more important […]

Walk Your Way to Your BEST YOU!!

I recently discovered that one of our Personal Trainers at NW Personal Training, Jolene Nelson, transformed her body and her entire life just by walking! She posted on social media […]

Spring Into Summer Fitness!

Spring is here and summer is just around the corner. This time of year always seems to motivate people to start taking better care of their health. We start to […]

Struggling to Lose Weight and Keep It Off?

We always have clients that come to us and say that they have been struggling to lose weight and keep it off for a long long time. It doesn't have to […]

The January Fitness Rush

Here are some typical questions that a lot of people have during the January Fitness Rush: My husband and I started a workout program and he is losing so much more fat […]

Spring Makeover Challenge – Week 4

Our annual Spring Makeover Challenge allows our clients to participate in a fun, friendly team competition to help them shed that extra winter layer that most of us put in […]

Spring Makeover Challenge – Week 1

In the colder climates, it is common over the winter months to gain a little weight. The days are shorter, it’s cold outside and we just don’t get as much […]

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