
Choose Your Friends Wisely To Be Healthy

You’ve probably heard that you are the sum of your five closest friends. It is indeed true that you are influenced by the people that you spend your time with […]

Shake It Up

“If you want something you’ve never had, then you’ve got to do something you’ve never done! If you want to change something, you’ve got to change something. Makes sense, doesn’t it? […]

Spring Break Is Over So It’s Time For SWEAT Break!

Spring is in the air and summer is just around the corner. Everyone naturally gets the bug to do some spring cleaning…clean the carpets, dust the blinds, purge, scrub the […]

Spring Tune-Up

It is common to gain a little weight during the winter. The days are shorter, it’s cold outside and we just don’t get as much activity and access to local […]

Being Bored while working out is Boring

Have any of you ever started an exercise program with a great deal of excitement and then lost your enthusiasm shortly after? Well you’re not alone - it’s very common […]

Top Fitness Trends for 2018

Variety is the spice of life and if you want to stay motivated with your health and fitness goals, it’s always a good idea to try new activities to minimize […]

Focus On Your Staples For The Summer

Most people find themselves very busy in the summer between kids being home from school, vacations, camping, BBQs and get-togethers. This can cause even the most die-hard fitness enthusiasts to […]

Who Are Your Fitness Peeps?

Once you decide to start a health and fitness program, sure, you can go it alone but many people report that having a group of people to work out with […]

Makeover Challenge

Every year, we host a Spring Makeover Challenge for our clients to help them shed that winter layer and get in great shape for summer. Each year, I like to […]

Spring Break But No Fitness Break

Kids are out of school in a couple weeks for Spring Break which can often wreak havoc on parents’ fitness routines! But Spring Break doesn’t need to mean a break […]

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