Pet Care & Rescue

It’s Dog Gone Hot

This week the temperatures are going to be hot, hot, hot. It is very important that pets have water and shade or be kept indoors with air condition. If you […]

5 Tips for Pet Poison Emergencies

No matter how hard you try to keep harmful foods and chemicals out of paw’s reach, pet poison emergencies can still occur. Keep these tips in mind to help you […]

Fireworks — Dog On The Run

The Forth of July is approaching fast. Those of you with pets will know this can be scary for pets. Did you know that on the July 4 holiday more […]

The Buzz on Grooming

Bath time for Fido can be an inside job provided your pet fits in the bathtub or sink. They tend to prefer warm water as do I. On average, a […]

Community resources help cat owners reduce stray cat population

  June is finally here, which means warm weather, beach trips and the peak of "kitten season." Kitten season, which starts in mid-May and  goes through the summer, is one of […]

Going for a car ride

Earlier this week a ticket was issued for a pet on drivers lap. Some states have laws requiring pets to be restrained when riding in vehicles. We love our pets […]

A Walk in the Park-Dog Park

The nice weather will be here soon. If your dog is like mine they are tired of being cooped up. In Vancouver, we have great parks and trails for hikes […]

Rescue Me Again

This is a story about my old dogs Butch and Sundance. When I first went to the shelter I was looking for a small dog. But one dog caught my […]

Local animal organizations receive $1 million grant

The Animal Shelter Alliance of Portland,  a local coalition of animal welfare organizations, received a $1 million grant earlier this week for their unique collaboration. The grant was given by […]

Little Buggers-Fleas and Ticks

Living in the Northwest everyone thinks that their dog won't get fleas, ticks or worse. Not true. Many dogs can get them in their own yard or on walks in […]

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