5 Tips for Pet Poison Emergencies

Poisoned Puppy

No matter how hard you try to keep harmful foods and chemicals out of paw’s reach, pet poison emergencies can still occur. Keep these tips in mind to help you and your pet through any stressful situations:

Be prepared

It can be challenging to remember your own name in an emergency! Keep a note of your pet’s breed, age and weight somewhere handy, like in your smartphone, so you don’t have to struggle to recall them.

Consider researching pet insurance providers as many cover poison ingestion. They can help save your wallet and, most importantly, your companion.

Also,  before investing in a pet, make sure you prep your house for pet safety.

Be careful

Take care when handling a pet in pain that may also be scared or upset. Even the sweetest pet can react unpredictably under these conditions. Approach slowly and use caution before touching your pet. Watch their behaviors to avoid touching sensitive areas and potentially receiving a bite.

Stay calm

Panicking won’t help you or your distressed pet. Reassure your furry friend by keeping your cool and calmly addressing the situation. If you can get the animal to relax, as well, it will help prevent further injury.

Use good judgment

It’s not a good idea to play doctor. You could cause more harm than good for your pet and also risk injuring yourself. Always seek professional help during pet poison emergencies.

Look for these indicators:

  • Excessive thirst
  • Sluggishness or extreme fatigue
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Seizures
  • Cloudy or red eyes
  • Blood in stool
  • Loss of appetite

Get help fast

The sooner you get medical treatment, the better for your pet. Call your veterinarian, local emergency clinic, or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at 1-888-426-4435 (a $65 consultation fee may apply) right away.

If the scenario requires immediate intervention, a professional will provide you with further direction.

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