Bread, Wine & Candles

Giving It Up For Lent

This has nothing to do with romance and food but a lot to do with chocolate which, you may recall, is right up there in my pantheon of important things […]

Out of the Doldrums and Looking for Spring

This time of year always seems to me to be a long slog into spring. The snow and ice are gone to be replaced by rain and wind. Valentine's Day, the […]

It’s Here!

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, in case you missed the heart shaped balloons, boxes of candy in red hearts and/or paper wrappings, kits of kids cards to make and take to […]

The Countdown Continues

No, not for the Olympics, although there are plenty of people doing that, especially on NBC. I'm talking about Valentine's Day! It's almost here. Ready for a few more suggestions […]

Make Way For Romance

We're about two weeks out from Valentine's Day, a day many people (particularly greeting card companies and florists) would say is the day for romance. Now, as much as I […]

Need I Say More?

  I could end this post with that quote above. But I won't. No self-respecting writer will turn down the chance to write more words. So, here we go. It's the […]

Setting the Scene Part II

Last Wednesday I suggested that a romantic meal needs the right person, a nice table setting, some candles and Sangria. This week, I'd like to add another element--a soundtrack. Music has […]

A New Year

Holidays over; new year begun; time for resolutions and reflection. Here are some of mine: 1. I'll be blogging here once a week, on Wednesdays, from now on so I can […]

A Foggy Day in the ‘Couve

It's one of those days where being snug inside with someone special is the only way to go. Okay, snug inside after you've braved the hordes at the mall and […]

Light and Love

I've written quite a bit about the bread and wine part of the trio I mention in the blog name. Now it's time to give the third part some mention. […]