romance writing

Three Little Words

The way my romance novels usually work is this: boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy finds girl again. Boy says the three little words girl wants to hear, which […]

Giving It Up For Lent

This has nothing to do with romance and food but a lot to do with chocolate which, you may recall, is right up there in my pantheon of important things […]

It’s Over and I’m Back

With the end of November the torture known as National Novel Writing Month has ended. I hit the goal of 50,000 words on a new novel and can now get […]

Still Writing

I'm still writing away on my WIP--that's work in progress for those of you smart enough not to have caught the writing bug at a young age as I did. […]

Feeding My Characters

So, I have my hero and heroine falling in love with each other. What next? Why, I find a way to get them eating something romantic. At the beginning of […]

What I Do When I’m Not Here

Last week it was go to Ashland, OR and see plays. Which meant I never quite got back into the schedule of posting so the recipe for apple pie bites […]

Can She Bake an Apple Pie?

So, apple pie. Why's that romantic, you ask? First of all, it's..ah...well, it's pie. Who doesn't like pie? You're making something the person you care for probably loves. How can […]

You Can’t Hurry Love But You Can Hurry Dessert

This has been a week crammed full of things related to my newest book release so I am in the mood for quick and easy this weekend. But that doesn't […]

First Things First

Curious about what’ “A Loaf of Bread, a Glass of Wine and Candles” is all about? It's about romance, my friends, it's all about food and romance. I’m a local […]

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