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PB&J – Part 2

This time of year always makes me sad.  Your kids have been around all summer, you have had lots of time to do things together, and now all that is […]

Chopped Greek-Style Salad

We knew it couldn't last forever.  Summer is coming to an end.  In a little more than a week we will be back in school and the lazy days of […]

Savor the Summer Sandwich – Part 1

Never underestimate the power of a sandwich.  Chances are, you already have.  A sandwich is such a simple thing - a piece of bread, meat, cheese - it’s easy to […]

Summer Squash Soup

There are plenty of reasons to love gardening, but the one I like best is that it gives you something to share.  I love sharing anything I have a little […]

Get Your Veggies Noticed

Let’s face it.  Talking about eating your vegetables is about as exciting as pairing up the socks in your laundry basket.  No one wants to be reminded about it (“Hey, […]

Chill Out With Melon Balls

Brace yourself, Vancouver.  It seems we are in the grip of another heatwave.  Just when you thought your grass might turn green again, they say we can expect another week […]

Thai Kale Chips

Every house has one, and in our house it’s me.  I am the one who persists tirelessly in the quest to use every last drop of something.  Long after my […]

Christmas in July

Christmas cookies!  Now I’ve got your attention.  It has been hot, and miserable, and I know I am not the only one who has had enough of the heat already. Back […]

Berry Pops

It is entirely way too hot.  So hot that I have caught myself more than once lately staring into the refrigerator just to feel the cold air.  Nothing really sounds […]

Red, White, and Blue Berries

The Fourth of July is a major holiday.  Food, family, friends and fireworks all converge for a day full of excitement and celebration.  A lot of thought goes into what […]

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