
Smoke from one hour of hookah equal to 150 cigarettes

New research shows that in a one-hour hookah smoking session users inhale as much smoke as someone puffing on 150 cigarettes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looked at the […]

CDC: Flu vaccine might not be good match

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a health advisory Wednesday, notifying providers that this year’s flu vaccine may not be a good match for circulating strains. While flu activity […]

College students admit prescription drug abuse

One in five college students admit to abusing prescription stimulants at least once in their lives – a rate higher than non-students. The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids conducted a nationally represented […]

Only 30 percent of Americans with HIV have virus in check

A new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study found only 30 percent of people living with HIV have achieved viral suppression. Viral suppression means having low levels of HIV in […]

Obesity costs $2 trillion globally

A new study found obesity’s global economic impact is about $2 trillion – nearly as much as smoking. A research paper by McKinsey Global Institute concludes more than 2.1 billion people […]

Lilliane’s scleroderma story

Lilliane Grahek was only 2 years old when she was diagnosed with an incurable disease. Scleroderma is a rare disease that involves the hardening and tightening of the skin and connective […]

The burn before the feast

The average American will consume more than 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving – more than twice the recommended daily caloric intake. Research by the Calorie Control Council found the average holiday dinner […]

Study: Laundry pods pose serious poisoning risk

A child is hospitalized every day across the U.S. due to poisoning from small laundry detergent pods, according to a new study. Researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital embarked on a two-year […]

Birthday wish granted

Julie Mourao’s birthday wish came true. The Vancouver girl celebrated her 11th birthday today while wearing a new accessory: an insulin pump. Julie was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes three years ago. […]

Dying with dignity in Washington

Right-to-die laws have become a national talking point ever since the country met Brittany Maynard – the 29-year-old, terminally ill woman who ended her own life Saturday. Maynard was diagnosed with […]

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