Birthday wish granted

Julie Mourao’s birthday wish came true.
The Vancouver girl celebrated her 11th birthday today while wearing a new accessory: an insulin pump.
Julie was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes three years ago. The disease requires Julie to prick her finger to check her blood-sugar levels and give herself insulin injections several times each day.
For her 11th birthday, the only thing Julie asked for was an insulin pump.
“I think it’ll make diabetes a little smaller part of my life,” Julie said last month.
Julie’s mom, Irina Razumovsky, had planned to use her credit card to cover the out-of-pocket cost of the insulin pump. Even with employer-provided health insurance, the pump was going to cost the family about $2,000.
A coworker encouraged Razumovsky to raise the money through the crowdfunding site GoFundMe, and to share her story through social media.
In less than two weeks, the Vancouver family received $2,300 in donations.
And on Monday – one day before her 11th birthday – Julie received her new insulin pump.
“Just in time to show it off for her birthday tomorrow,” Razumovsky said.