Author: Viki

Weekend wine ideas

The weather promises to be cooler as the weekend approaches but there’s only a slight chance of rain called for this evening - a perfect opportunity to enjoy the First […]

Brewed in downtown Vancouver

Last Tuesday night my husband and I comfortably passed some time at Brewed in downtown Vancouver. The space is bright and inviting downstairs; intimate and relaxing upstairs. The wait staff has always […]

Latte da Coffee House & Wine Bar

In early April there were some lovely days before we went to Dallas and San Antonio. One afternoon we lingered at a sleepy coffee shop that has a nice wine […]

A couple affordable wines for the weekend

We’ve enjoyed a couple affordable bottles of wine lately that’d make a nice addition to the weekend. Mosen Cleto is a 2010 Crianza from the Campo de Borja region of […]

How are those precious pups doing, you ask?

On May 13 my husband and I leave to Spain and Portugal for 16 nights. Our recent trip to Texas was a trial run for our pups whom we adopted […]

Texas wrap up…San Antonio.

I believe the best friends are old friends or, should I say, friends one has had for many years. For that reason, my husband and I have visited Texas no fewer […]

Leaving Dallas and headed for San Antonio

We said goodbye to Dallas yesterday and headed to San Antonio. Our friends have lived in Dallas for over a decade so we've been several times. We've been to jazz concerts, […]

We’re off to Dallas…

Dan & I leave for Dallas tomorrow. Actually I'm suppose to 'wake up' in 4 hr 15 min. Ugghh! But I wanted to share what I'm taking with me. Seven […]

Columbia River Wine Sellers

A few weeks ago my husband and I took our pups out for their first hiking experience. We walked up Beacon Rock which proved to be a less than brilliant […]

Faux Scotch Salmon

Decades ago my family would go to my grandparent’s beach house in Ocean Park. We didn’t go often but, when we did, we’d have dinner at The Ark which was […]

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