Cat Tales
Declawing Cats: An Inhumane Practice
“Help! My cat is clawing up my sofa, should I get her declawed? I hear it’s an easy procedure.” Unfortunately, I have heard this statement more than once. People often mistakenly […]
Poison Prevention Week – What Cat Guardians Need to Know
This year, National Poison Prevention Week is March 20-26. Usually we think about how to protect ourselves and our family, but many of us overlook some of our most vulnerable […]
Easter’s in sight and spring has sprung
Don’t let the Easter Bunny forget about your fluffy feline when he comes a hopping down the bunny trail. Remember the kitties with a basket filled with goodies they will […]
Caring for Cats in Winter
In the Pacific Northwest, the coldest months are probably in January and February. However, the next couple of months can still be chilly and wet, and we've been surprised more […]
Cats and a couch – All is well with the world
It’s raining, and I’ve settled onto my couch with a warm blanket, a good book, and my three cats—ahh, bliss. The sound of my three cats purring almost puts me […]
How You Can Help Solve the Homeless Pet Problem
February 23 of every year is World Spay Day, which is celebrating its 22nd year in 2016. World Spay Day was created to bring awareness to, and stop, pet over-population, […]
My Furry Valentine
On Valentine’s Day we show love and affection to those we care about. For me that includes my husband, a few select others—and my kitties. I carefully pick out the coolest-looking […]
Don’t be rude: how to meet a cat
Between volunteering with a cat rescue organization and my cat behavior consulting business, I interact with A LOT of kitties during any given week. And this means that I need […]
Getting Ready for the Big Game
Football frenzy has reached its peak as fans get ready for the Big Day, February 7. Millions—including some dogs and cats—will watch the Super Bowl game between the Panthers and […]
Play Aggression in Cats: Don’t be a Victim!
You love your kitty, and he's normally a very sweet cat. You can cuddle with him, he sleeps on your bed, he stays off the counters, and he makes the […]