Cat Tales

Fish Oil for Cats – Too Many Benefits to Pass Up!

Could your cat benefit from adding a fish oil supplement to her diet?  Most likely, yes.  Fish oil for cats has many health benefits that are only recently being recognized.  […]

Give the gift of Love

The holiday season is upon us and my thoughts turn to counting my blessings. They say that gratitude makes us happier and I believe that. Scientific research even backs that […]

Paws Need Claws – Prevent Scratching without Declawing!

Biologically, cats have claws for many important purposes: they use their claws to catch prey, leave visual and scent marks through scratching various objects, and defend themselves from other cats […]

Thanksgiving is for kitties too

Ahhhh Thanksgiving Day, the turkey is in the oven, the house smells delightful, the table is set and the family is about to arrive. Let’s see, did I forget anything? […]

Caring For Your Senior Cat

This time of year, when the leaves are falling and the earth begins to slumber, always gets me thinking about life and aging.  If you're like me, you have at […]

The Tiger Within

He crouches, he slithers—and he pounces! My kitten Benny is pursuing an invisible enemy, known only to him. I find I’m smiling and laughing at his antics and his unending […]

Your cat can enjoy the season’s holidays with…pumpkin!

With Halloween just behind us and Thanksgiving only a couple of weeks away, it seems like pumpkins are everywhere you look.  And this is good news for your kitty, because […]

Halloween is a dangerous time for cats

Halloween is a wonderful opportunity for people to have fun, but for cats it can be a dangerous time. Throughout history a small faction of society has had a love-hate […]

Dealing with the Litterbox Blues

Have a cat? You've probably experienced a litter box accident or two. But when it happens regularly, it can become very challenging to your relationship with your feline family member. […]

Lux the (in)famous cat

I got into a fight on Facebook with someone I've never met this week. (Gasp! Shocker! That never happens, right?) The topic? The now-infamous cat from Portland named Lux that […]

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