Cats and a couch – All is well with the world

It’s raining, and I’ve settled onto my couch with a warm blanket, a good book, and my three cats—ahh, bliss. The sound of my three cats purring almost puts me to sleep, and I think that all is well with the world.
There is good reason for this feeling; a cat’s purr has been thought to be a calming mechanism. Cats will purr not only when they are happy but when they might be frightened and don’t want you to leave.
A 10-year study at the University of Minnesota Stroke Center found that cat owners are 40 percent less likely to have heart attacks than non-cat owners because of purring’s calming effect. Only a few minutes with a cat will reduce your feeling of stress. Studies have shown that while you are in the company of a cat, your body produces the chemical serotonin, which is associated with well-being. Creating less stress saves a lot of wear and tear on your body.
So next time you need a stress reducer, think about adopting a cat instead of going to the medicine cabinet for a pill. Several local animal adoption agencies will help you find just the right cat or kitten. Check out Furry Friends’ web site to view some of the kitties available for adoption.