Getting Ready for the Big Game

Football frenzy has reached its peak as fans get ready for the Big Day, February 7. Millions—including some dogs and cats—will watch the Super Bowl game between the Panthers and Broncos.
My two male cats Benny and Norman have enjoyed watching football all season. My female cat CC has not been so interested. I think she is more like me; we have been more interested in ice hockey than football. The kitties have been cheering for the Panthers all season, because after all, they are cats.
Some may ask if the kitties are really interested in the game or is something else going on inside that little noggin of theirs. I did some research on the topic and found out that basically, cats like the fast action. They see in a similar definition as humans do but they have better night vision. Their higher number of rods in their eyes allows them to see four to six times better in low light than we do.
The sensitivity to bright light causes them to prefer a TV that has the brightness toned down a little, and because they process visual information faster than we do, they prefer a higher definition TV with a higher frame rate. Something to keep in mind next time you go shopping for a TV.
Make sure you include Fluffy in your Super Bowl party and have some kitty appropriate snacks for him. He will be cheering right along with you for your favorite team. If you don’t have a kitty, check out the local cat rescue group Furry Friends, who would love to have you adopt one of their kitties. To find out more about Furry Friends, visit or contact