David Madore

Clark County council, coming soon to HGTV

The Clark County council spends a fair amount of time talking about interior design. First there was the "In God We Trust" debacle. Now the council is going back on forth […]

Facebook newspapers beyond Clark County

Clark County Councilor David Madore isn’t the only politician who prefers to use his Facebook page to communicate with the public rather than speaking to the media. Hat tip to Michele […]

What’s the plan again?

You don't need to tell the Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council that local traffic congestion is bad and getting worse. The agency is in the middle of a Congestion Management Process […]

New décor for the Clark County council

Have you noticed the new décor in the Clark County council chambers? No, I’m not talking about “In God We Trust.” That hasn’t gone up. The Declaration of Independence, however, went up […]

What’s in a like?

Councilor David Madore, once again, seems to have conflated his Facebook “likes” with his supporters and endorsers. He’s not the first person to do it. I’ve been hassled before for “liking” […]

“Your dissent is respectfully rejected.”

Don’t agree with Councilor David Madore on Alternative 4? Too bad. At least that’s the message Clark County council candidate Chuck Green got today when he sent his thoughts on the Comprehensive […]

Community weighs in on Alt 4, and most aren’t happy

Here’s your last minute Public Service Announcement that you have until midnight Monday to submit comments online to Clark County on the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan update. Last week, we brought […]

Will David Madore run for top council seat?

Is Councilor David Madore running for Clark County council chairman? Honestly, I have no idea, so don't ask me. I’ve heard the rumor, but filing week is still a month off […]

Growing legal tab in Clark County v. C-Tran dispute

When Clark County received a $5,069 bill from Pacifica Law Group in January, we figured it wasn't the last taxpayer expense related to the county's legal dispute with C-Tran. This month, […]

Lessons on interior decorating

There were some strange moments during last Tuesday’s county council meeting and the board time that followed on Wednesday, to say the least. The proposal to post “In God We Trust” […]

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